Of Skin, Soul, and Soil: A Healing Space for People of Colour Course Details

Of Skin, Soul, and Soil: A Healing Space for People of Colour

Join the Kopanya Institute on a nine-week journey exploring individual and collective healing and liberation from the legacies of oppression written onto bodies of colour. With embodied and intersectional awareness, we will together create a safe-enough space in which we can explore the ways in which being born into bodies of colour has shaped our lived experiences and oppressions, and build pathways to restoring our psyches, bodies, and souls, back to ourselves and this earth.

We will:

  • Tap into our roots to discover how we are held, by our ancestors and this earth, as we step into this work;
  • Bring awareness to where we are holding our breath as beings, and gently unfurl, to reclaim and re-member our racialized bodies, and recover parts of ourselves and our stories that got lost through trauma, objectification, and fetishization;
  • Give ourselves permission to feel whatever we might need to feel, with privacy from the gaze of whiteness;
  • Explore the complexity and fullness of our unique journeys with identity and belonging, including connection and/or tension with ‘clan/tribe/culture;’ intergenerational dialogue and assimilation; and policing our own or others’ identities;
  • Unravel intersectional identities and overlapping oppressions, through exploring how gender and sexuality, class, nationality, ability, and faith have been lived through in our own lives – including macro (systemic) and micro (interpersonal) manifestations;
  • Reclaim our power through finding voice, exploring the energetics of race and racism and how to meet it in the moment;
  • Build pathways to individual and collective healing and liberation, ensuring that we can step into the fullness of who we are.

This will be done through:

  • 6 facilitated online calls – core group calls where we gather in circle and connect
  • 3 optional sessions exploring key topics: Embodied Healing, Ancestral Healing, and Poverty Consciousness
  • Workbooks with supportive models, reflective and experiential exercises, and supportive videos
  • Ongoing community after the course

This course is open to anyone who identifies as a Person of Colour, and who has the personal lived experience of living in a racialised body (through skin colour or other features), that has marked this body as outside of the norms, and hierarchy, dictated by whiteness.

Contact us to find out more

ZAR 3200 / USD 190 (sliding scale and payment plans available)

To register your interest complete this form:


Queries: kopanya.courses@gmail.com
