Talking to Kids about Race and Racism course details

Talking to Kids about Race and Racism course details

Designed to accommodate full lives and busy schedules, the course provides:

  • An opportunity for facilitated exploration of the dynamics and tough questions in homes, schools and communities grappling with race and racism
  • Conceptual clarity around race, racism, racial trauma, whiteness and privilege – and reflective exercises exploring how these show up and are embodied in the lives of ourselves and our children.
  • Space to explore individual and collective pathways to authenticity, liberation and restitution, and to create an environment that fosters these processes in our children.

The course is comprised of:

  • Comprehensive workbooks with both conceptual and practical content
  • 6 interactive modules guided by one of Kopanya’s experienced facilitators and summary video clips by the Kopanya team
  • Personal and interactive reflective exercises, with online submissions 
  • Supportive community during and after the course      

The workbooks, accompanied by the recorded videos, are structured around the following themes/modules:

  • Guiding principles and models for how to talk to kids about race and racism, including “What kids need in conversations about race and racism”
  • Defining race and racism, and how to explain these concepts to kids and teens
  • Practical tips and suggestions in each workbook around “Tough Questions Kids Ask”
  • Supporting ourselves, and our kids, to understand the history and present reality of the world around them, whilst also finding new and empowering ways to talk about their identities

As an optional yet recommended component, the facilitators – trained coaches and therapists – offer one-on-one coaching sessions to support integration and application of the materials into your day-to-day life.

For self study or group course options in 2024, email

register at:
